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March 23, 2020

Update by Kim

Yesterday was another day of letting Shannon do a lot of resting. They gave her a break from practicing breathing with less help from the ventilator, but will resume that today. She's no longer on antibiotics, has been getting nutrition from a feeding tube which is going well, and was responsive when they lowered her sedation. She opens her eyes a little, squeezes their hands a bit. We were able to talk to her over the phone once, and FaceTime her once. She looked more tired yesterday than the day before. Her blood pressure lowered when she heard us talking to her. She was also able to hear Austin, Katie, Jake, and K's voices. I was really happy that they were able to talk to her as well.

We are still waiting for the Covid results. They are planning to do a rapid test on her, since the one they did last week still hasn't come back. But even if they do it, we won't know the results until tomorrow. The original test won't be back until Wednesday. So she remains assumed positive and isolated. While she's been isolated, she hasn't been exposed to any illnesses that the medical teams might have, so we are trying to see it as a blessing. Now that there is much more shutdown and restricted because of the outbreak, it's looking even less likely we will be able to see her. We are still feeling so very blessed that she is getting the amazing care she is.

Today she is also getting an echo cardiogram so they can see how her heart is doing, having her practice breathing, monitoring her other vital organs and brain function. We were able to FaceTime with her this morning. The Neurologist said she was not very awake, but he handed the phone to the nurse so he could step out and I sang to her. She was moving her head around and opening and closing her mouth while I sang. She definitely was responding to our voices. The nurse said she doesn't move like that when they talk to her. She remains in critical condition, but she's a fighter!

Thank you all for your love and support, we really appreciate it! Please continue to pray for her negative test results and that we can somehow be with her, that her vital organs and systems will recover, and that she will be comforted and stay strong. Pray for her family as well, we can all use more peace.


  1. Thank you Kim for keeping everyone on this blog up to date. I am so encouraged by how Shannon is responding to your voices. My continued prayer is for Shannon to grow stronger, for God to be cultivating perseverance. God calls to mind Romans 5, "And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."
    I continue to pray for you and Lancer as well, that you find the peace that only God can provide at this time. And that you will be permitted to be with Shannon in the midst of the world as it is today. Blessings, Patti


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