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June 10, 2020

So. You know those days when you wake up thinking ‘okay, this isn’t so bad- we’ve totally go this!’ And then you screw up so many times you wonder if you really know what you are doing at all? That was today. More on that in a minute. These photos were from an activity with our congregation from church. It was a minute to win it game- face the cookie. You have to start with the cookie on your forehead and slide it down your face and into your mouth without using your hands. Shannon was doing well, as you can see. This is how we are feeling at the moment. (Wait, What?? I totally forgot....everything.)

There is a lot to remember. A LOT! And it’s super easy to forget things. Some things are simple- didn’t have the compression socks ready, forgot the binder upstairs, misplaced the water bottle. But then there is didn’t move her foot during a transfer and it got twisted, forgot midday medication so now her blood pressure is super low.....and while we are busy forgetting things- what about lunch; for everyone?? Now the savages are ransacking the pantry for treats. It didn’t help that I was gone in the morning to three stores- two of them hardware stores. Of course, keeping things consistent, I bought the wrong thing, again. Such a day.

I know, we need to give ourselves a break. We work on minimal sleep, our house is still under construction and there are a million kids running around here. And to top it off, our house has memory sucking abilities. Not a single person who lives here or spends a significant amounts of time here can remember anything. Sure- the previous list *could* be the reason why; or, we could just have MIB style memory zappers happen every night. Perhaps Shannon is part of a top secret alien thing. Surely that wouldn’t be completely unlikely, given our year thus far.

Meanwhile, Shannon had PT today- and it was okay. She’s still getting used to her new therapists. Well- she would be, but she keeps having new people and different days and times...pretty frustrating.
What did we do well today? Nobody died. No one even went to the hospital. Oh ya- I even took a shower. And....Shannon complimented me on my deodorant scent choice. (Native, mandarine and  white peach, I know you were wondering.)

The best part of today was having a friend come see Shannon in the evening after dinner. It was great to hear them laughing in the other room. And since she’s our friend too, we had some visiting time. Of course, if you come to my house currently, expect to work. So we showed said friend how to do some of  Shannon’s care. She probs won’t be back anytime soon. ;)

Please pray that we can all know how to help Shannon and are able to keep our thoughts straight and on schedule, that Shannon’s executive function will quickly improve so we can help her keep herself on track; and for her medical equipment to arrive quickly so we can help her more easily. 

Thank you.

“I do remember, but when I try to remember; I forget.’
Winnie the Pooh


  1. One thing I have done when there was a medical schedule to keep was set a timer on my phone for each thing which needed to be done, until I got the routine in my head.


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