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June 9, 2020

There wasn’t much going on today- just the usual. What is the usual? It’s supposed to look something like this:

3am- Lancer or Jake turn Shannon while she blissfully dreams and has no recollection of it later.
6am- Rachael turns Shannon and stabs her with a needle- along with some other medications. Shannon can’t feel it, so she would sleep through it if not for having to swallow pills.
8am- I come in to help Shannon get up, get dressed.
8:01 am I go back upstairs because Shannon doesn’t want to get up.
8:30am I come back and help her get up for the day.
9:15 or later—- (we really are super lame at this helping business) breakfast.
10:00am (or later- see above) help Shannon get upstairs. Current required help: Kim, Rachael, and Jake.
10:15-noonish -entertained by nieces, or hang out in the dining room doing whatever
Noon- meds, lunch.
1:00-4pm hang out, or take a nap, or go back downstairs, or have therapy........
4pm naptime (this is when I get suuuuuper jealous)
6pm dinner
Evening chaos
9pm head downstairs to get ready for bed.
12am turn Shannon (honestly happens a little earlier....)

Isn’t that so exciting? I mean.....that’s if it all goes smoothly.

There was SOME excitement.
Remember how I mentioned previously that Little Big Jake brings his kids over? We trade childcare for contractor work. Childcare would be used in the loosest sense of the term- because I’m honestly not even watching them. They joined the Lost Boys that currently live here, and run amuck in our house and yard. We throw food their way and they survive. I think we are getting the better end of the deal because Jake is doing way more work than we are. Plus- he’s throws in snarky comments for free.

Anyway— his boy Ben is my currently favorite small person. I tried to kidnap him, and even had him convinced to move in with us! But we had to let him go home. :( While they were here, Ben was keeping Shannon company. He asked her if she wanted to have a staring contest, begged her not to break her back again so she could jump with him on the trampoline- and also explained that wheelchairs are not that fun- per his own experience with a wheelchair when he broke his arm (? His dad said he never broke his arm). He also shared his daily fun facts with Shannon: kangaroos can jump higher than a house, sharks can eat a whole house, they can also bite off your whole fingernail. He also questioned the universe with her: ‘AND THEN just imagine, what if a tornado came and you ran into the basement and the tornado followed you, and let sharks in with it???’. He definitely keeps us all entertained here.

Other than that- Shannon took a 4 hour nap, and we worked MORE on the basement! I would say we are getting really close. Really, really close....but I’ve already said that. So I won’t.

Keep the prayers coming! We need all the help we can get over here! 

Olaf’s fun facts:
“People blink 4 million times a day.” – Olaf
“Wombats poop in squares.” – Olaf
“Men are six times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.” – Olaf
